Showing all posts tagged #leadership:

The type of person I want on my team

Posted on May 6th, 2015

Optimism | Talent | Passion | Leadership | Selflessness | Encouragement

Some of you know that one of my favorite hobbies is playing flag football. I’m the Quarterback of a team that plays in a competitive league in Waterford. It’s intense fun!

I was reflecting on our game the other night. We had a rough start with the first couple drives. The other team had the ball first and scored way too easily on us. We began our counter drive with a couple completions for a quick first down and then I made a weak pass that got intercepted with a return that put them in place to score on the following play. Not good!

Often this is when teams will crumble apart. Not this time, however...

The team received my apology about the bad pass and told me to shake it off. Furthermore, the team owned our collective errors (particularly on defense) and we all resolved together to play catch up on offense and lock down on defense. I was particularly appreciative of my friend Mickey. He supported me with full confidence and was an incredible support with passion for calling our team to be one in mission and attitude… The whole team was great. I would have a hard time imagining better guys to have wearing the same jersey.

We began by driving down the field and scoring - down 1 score. Unfortunately, we did not stop them on their next drive - back down 2. Then we couldn’t quite score before the end of the half - Down 7-18 - could’ve been worse; needs to get way better. We reviewed our team goals and started strong the next half…Long story short, we won! 21-18

I’ve talked before about the idea of a "first follower" - a leader isn’t leading unless people are following. The key point of momentum is not the leader’s speech, but rather the first person following. That’s when everyone else will join in the march. That first follower is as (if not more so) crucial to the leadership as the original leader.

Another thing I really appreciate about him that he displayed the other night is his selflessness and value for seeing the ball moved down the field even if it means he never catches a pass. He easily could be the top WR - or at least could warrant being cocky enough to ask for the ball to be passed to him more than others. Instead, he takes pride in drawing coverage to open his teammates up - a pump fake to him followed by a toss to a wide open other player. I love team football!
Hats off to my friend Mickey. I’m greateful for who he is and how he helped lead our team to embody the spirit I want us to always carry ourselves with.

Create something beautiful today

Posted on March 27th, 2015

Create something beautiful today.
Whether a photograph, a spreadsheet, performance art, or leadership moment.
Make sure to care...

a journey in pursuit of the higher standard

Posted on February 27th, 2015

Sometimes the best path is nonlinear. Process matters. Effective is more important than efficient.

Life is too short to allow people to cherish the lesser. Break paradigms. Call people to the higher standard.

A Challenge to Myself

Posted on July 23rd, 2014

We artists are responsible for being the spark of hope that will change futures.

Eliminate everything that makes you less than the best reflection of your humanity. It is your responsibility is to be a good steward of every opportunity.

Own your contribution. Do not allow cynicism to "protect" you from having to try. Cynicism and hope cannot coexist. Embrace the new present and pursue the future without fear.

If you complain about something (especially more than once) you’re allowing it to continue. Instead, look for how you can solve the "problem" and lead into a new future… Future based language changes present results.

Do not be lulled into accepting the good. Instead, search out the hidden potential for greatness. Greatness is revealed by the discipline of whittling away at the idea and not settling for the first draft.

Tell a story. Be an artisan. Craft the magical.

Give good notes; be a good coach. Do not "play small." Give the gift of honest and constructive criticism - it is a real gift if your team trusts that you are for them.

Strive to do what only you can do. Gather and invest in great teammates. They too are creative and uniquely gifted. Be intentional and mine it out of them.

Being full of hope, bring your full self to any and every situation. Know your unique talents and steward them well.

Use your creative mind as a gift to the team. When at your best, you'll ask helpful, focusing questions that will guide us toward a better future.

Always take a chance on better, even if it seems threatening. Break paradigms - dare to bend the implications of what people think they know.

Ideate where we might go as we consider "hopeful, unknown, future possibilities."

Tomorrow is not rooted in the past unless you are lazy in your vision. May we call each other to the higher standard. Let us reach for the stars.

May we be known by love. May ours be a collective voice of hope. May we realize our potential to create a beautiful future.

Do not hesitate to step up where others shrink in fear. Charge as a warrior in the service of joy. Never cease speaking up and offering your very best work. Be relentless in generously sharing the gift you uniquely can be - to your ecclesial community and the world beyond.

You are designed to imagine and create the future.

You are not your idea. Be openhanded with everything. You are not what you do. Do not forget that the Work of God is to believe in the one who was sent.

As a creative who seeks to live life to the fullest, you must always pay attention to the world. See the big picture. Never cease to to be awestruck at the beauty of nature. Practice gratefulness; recognize gifts even and especially in the midst of chaos. Share in the celtic tradition as you journey.

Be not prideful; be courageous. Live unhindered. Your life is art.

Continue dying to yourself and live every new day in a posture of surrender.

Keep your integrity bounded and your imagination boundless. May your dreams be big - rooted in not in your past but in the One who was and is and most importantly who is to come.

Love with all your heart, mind, soul, and strength.

*The above is curated from my various journal entries, notebooks, and underlined passages from books I've been reading. Along with a few "original" thoughts of my own, much of the above is derived with paraphrasing (and a few direct quotes) from some people who have been inspiring me over the past few months. Thanks in particular to Oswald Chambers, Seth Godin, Erwin McManus, Ann Voscamp, Ed Catmull, Aaron Sorkin, Marcus Buckingham, Michael Dauphinee, Jason Jaggard, Jessica Wolfe, and Jesus of Nazareth.


Posted on June 11th, 2014

If we don't constantly call our teams to the higher vision, we will slowly deteriorate into mediocrity.

Talent & Genius

Posted on July 26th, 2013

"Talent hits a target no one else can hit. Genius hits a target no one else can see."
-Arthur Schopenhauer

Adapting a University Rep Plot

Posted on February 19th, 2013

Lighting Design

This slide is from my Lighting Training slide deck. It illustrates the importance of accurate, thought-out documents and the iterative process of designing at a university theatre for a theatrical production that I was brought in to be the Lighting Designer for.
The document on the left shows the rep plot they were using. Thanks to some great pre-production meetings (and the trust built with the university’s Lighting Director) I was shown much favor and adapted the plot to fit the ambitious creative direction that the producer and I wanted to pursue. The photo shows me in the final meeting with the house LD as he prepared to follow my plot and Purpose Sheet.
Good paperwork allowed him to lead a few of his students to hang/circuit/focus all lights in a 6hr shift.
The student who programmed used my cue sheet to program the show and adapt during rehearsals. I was given trust early in the process; and it was a privilege to give trust to her for the end of the process: The first time I saw my design outside of my head was at the premier of the show!


Posted on March 1st, 2011


Every Guru whose wisdom we seek out tends to have these qualities:

1. They work really hard.

2. They never stop learning how to improve their craft. Including the 101 level fundamentals.

I stopped into the greenroom earlier today at the Gurus of Tech Conference to refill my coffee and found a conversation happening between some people that are definitely top names (if I were to type them here would be definitely known) in the field of their discipline. Anyway, I heard them talking about some thoughts they were learning that could definitely be considered "beneath" their expertise level.

The humility I saw displayed was a tremendous encouragement to me.

Eric G Wolfe

Creative Director | Process Architect. Design Strategist. Leadership Coach.