The church has given considerable attention to Truth and Goodness, to theology and ethics. But too often beauty has escaped us, or we have tried to escape from it. This is partly because of its innovative, experimental aspect, its way of reaching for originality or a new way of expressing an old standard…

We need to pay attention. To show indifference to beauty is an insult to its Creator…

In art and creativity we make visible to others the beauty and meaning God has first pictured, or introduced, into our own imaginations. In that sense we are each a small extension of the mind of God…

This is the essence of the sacramental—that material things remind us of and point us to the things we cannot see but which have ultimate and eternal reality…

We were each, in the image of our Creator, created to create, to call others back to beauty, and the truth about God’s nature…when, in something beautiful and meaningful we hear a message from beyond us, and worship in holiness our Creator who in his unlimited grace, calls us to become co-creators of beauty.

Luci Shaw (Beauty and the Creative Impulse)